Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Cox GIG Life

This is part of a sponsored campaign with Being Latino and COX Communications.
However, all opinions expressed are my own.  

I don't know about you, but my time is so precious.  As a busy mother of 4 kids ranging from the ages of 4-11 time is something I wish I had more of.  It really is one thing you can never get back, I am always looking for ways to make the most of my time.  When I am looking for a last minute recipe, or trying to google information to help one of my kids out with homework, or playing games online a fast connection is the key to saving time. 

I am truly excited to share with you the new Cox GIG Life, it will be double the speed.  If you are a current Cox customer you will get an automatic upgrade FREE!  My kids and I are constantly on the net may it be for homework assignments, or connecting with our family miles away in California through Facebook. 
If I had more free time on my hands, I would be able to start exercising and getting fit again. It has been years since I have had time to exercising daily, and I really miss it.  My choice of exercise is the Zumba on the Wii and dancing.  What would you do with all that free time on your hands?  What are you waiting for sign up today!
Make sure to visit the Cox website to sign up, and also don't forget to follow Cox on Tumblr

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